
Spondylitis is an inflammation of the vertebra. Any disorder of the spinal column may also be called spondylopathy.


Cervical Spondylitis is also known as cervical osteoarthritis or cervical Spondylitis. It generally affects the men and women older than 40 and progresses with age. People with less bone density or low calcium diet are prone to this condition. Cervical Spondylitis is agening related degenerative osteoarthritis of the neck vertebrae. Cervical Spondylitis is a chronic degeneration of the neck bones but also the cushions or the inter vertebral discs are also involved.


The degeneration in cervical Spondylitis is a result of wear and tear on the vertebral column in neck due to ageing. The bony spurs or the osteophytes are the degenerative changes which are seen in the x-ray (radiogram) of the neck vertebral column. The osteophytes (small bony spurs) of cervical bones can lead to pressure on the spinal nerves and, sometimes, the spinal cord itself, leading to pain in neck, pain radiating to arms and hands and sensation of needles and pricks in the arms and fingers.
Mild cases of cervical Spondylitis often require no treatment or may respond to conservative treatment, including wearing a neck brace and taking home remedies for cervical Spondylitis. More severe cases of cervical Spondylitis, however, particularly those involving pressure on the spinal nerves or cord, may require treatment ranging from neck traction to stronger medications to surgery.


Cervical Spondylosis is a condition of degeneration of the inter-vertebral disks, which advances with advancing age and which, in course of time, also involves the adjacent vertebrae and the para-vertebral structures.The elasticity of the inter-vertebral disks is lost and it predisposes the disks to injury and tear. It also leads to inflammatory changes which in turn brings about calcification (deposition of calcium) leading to extra bone formations called osteophytes in the adjoining structures.
Spondylosis is a specific form of arthritis, which attacks vertebrae and connecting bone, and ligament structures. The spines of majority of people above the age of 50 have certain degree of osteo arthritic changes. But they seldom cause acute symptoms. Certain precipitating factors like trauma, incorrect posture of the body, pressure while sleeping and excessive intake of sour food usually precipitate spondylitis attacks. In ayurveda this condition is known as Griva Sandhigata Vata.